Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Parts of Flowers

 Google Classroom

Google classroom is a free web service and learning management system through which the process of sharing files is streamlined between teachers and the students. It has been used for online classes in most parts of schools across Bhutan during the pandemic where the contact teaching was not doable. Google classroom provides a platform to share data and files between the tutor and the tutee. In this rapidly developing world where technology is advancing, children are ‘digital native’ and making things easier, teachers should be in the position to use this entire platform to make learning meaningful.

The world is uncertain so is the pandemic like ‘covid 19’ whereby physical contact is strictly prohibited and at the moment, how are we going to keep our students engaged without coming to school? Learners cannot be left to their own choice because this is the stage that requires guidance and must be kept engaged. Google classroom is one way to encourage children to learn and participate. Google classrooms assist the learning environment for the children by being able to share the concept virtually. It is vital for a teacher to educate themselves first and then, teach the use of Google classroom to the students. The below shown are the few steps required to create a Google classroom.

Step 1: Open any browser (Chrome, internet explorer, mozilla) and type www.googleclassroom.com or download ‘Google classroom’ app on the phones of desktop.

Step 2: Sign in using an email address (Email address can be your personal (e.g., udenpema404@gmail.com) or education mail (06170167.pce@rub.edu.bt).

Step 3: Select as a ‘Teacher’ form the Student or Teacher option.

Step 4: The Google class web page will be displayed.

Step 5: We can invite students and as well as co- tutor by using their email address.

Step 6: The lesson can be organized in weekly.

Step 7:The features in google classroom provides an efficient and interactive platform. in the People section, we can invite the student through emails. 

How to Use

This video is going to use during lesson closure. After the lesson about parts of flower. I will conduct a quiz to check my lesson. This  material will be used to do a online quiz. Student need to go to the link and have to attempt it individually.

When to use.

The material that I have designed will be use during lesson closure. Through that  teacher will be able to  know about child's learning. 

Making a quiz for the class


1.      Go to the class >classwork


2.      Click on the Create plus sign.

3.      Choose Quiz Assignment.

4.      Set the title of the quiz based on the content on which the quiz is created.

5.      In the instruction box, ‘give instruction to your quiz’.

6.      Choose a Blank Quiz Google form

7.      Type the question to the quiz. (For example Q1. Q2. Q3, Q4, Q5)

8.      You can also frame questions based on what you want to create. For example multiple choices, short answer type.


To insert an image to the quiz

 On the right hand side, click on the image icon

 Browse the image from internet or the folder saved.

 the image will be inserted


Click the link below to go to the quiz.


Parts of Flowers

  Google Classroom Google classroom is a  free web service and learning management system through which the process of sharing files is st...